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Golden File Testing in Go

In traditional unit testing, specifying expected outputs directly within the test function is common. However, when dealing with complex data structures, such as a large tree, this approach can become unwieldy. Enter golden file testing.

Golden file testing alleviates the burden of manually specifying expected outputs by storing them in separate files. Each test case has its own file containing the expected output, typically stored in a designated directory (commonly named "testdata" and placed adjacent to the test file).

Golang + Vim

Is Golang + Vim worth trying? Definitely, developing an application with this combination is a cool experience. However I tried using it on a bigger project (I was doing bugfix on docker-cli) and that wasn't a pleasing experience, I felt a bit lost and tired of all of these shortcuts and jumping between files, I think it my be a better experience after I get more experience with Vim. Below I am showing how to setup Vim for Go programming. It's my first attempt so it may be still lacking some features :D

Vim setup for bloggers

In this article, I'll share some valuable tips to harness the power of Vim as a versatile tool for blog writing. From migrating to Neovim to incorporating spellchecking and useful shortcuts, these tips will streamline your writing process and boost productivity.